Day 4 | The Namba shopping walk

Having spent two exhausting days (traveling from Narita to Osaka, and the Kyoto tour), we opted to check out the shopping centres for Day 4. It was supposedly a day of easy no-schedule-to-follow-chilling-kind-of-day. It quickly became evident that this was the longest walk we will ever do in the entire trip.

I decided to visit Osaka’s Mirami area, specifically the street shops in Namba. My guidebook had a walking tour so we simply followed it.

Kuromon Market. It was a Sunday and at 9am, most of the stalls were closed. Still, the ones that were open were entertaining enough. I’ll let the pictures do the talking.

Fresh sashimi all you can eat

Fresh sashimi all you can eat

Eel (unagi). Gabo's favourite.

Eel (unagi). Gabo’s favourite.

Then we ventured to Den Den Town, the electronics district.

Next up was Dotomburi. Here you will find cookware in all shapes and sizes. The idea is, after shopping for your ingredients at the wet market (Kuromon), you can buy cookware to cook your ingredients with.

By this time, my boys were bored stiff. We all know how long faces can sap everybody else’s energy, particularly mine. So we had a lunch break at comfort food, that is, good old Maccas (the Big M for you). I decided that the boys have had enough. And they were free to go back to the hotel. A sigh of relief went down the table. Grandma and I have not started shopping yet and will continue browsing.

Next up for Mama and I was a shopping street called Shinsaibashisuji.


Wearing my new boots. I simply cannot resist a #selfie!

My mum and I found irresistible shoes for sale. I did not plan on buying anything during this trip, yet I ended up buying not one, not two, but three pairsĀ ! I was looking for books and stationeries and I ended up with shoes. The prices were low compared to Sydney’s, however the lure was the design and variety of colours. I now understand why some Sydneysiders come to Japan for shopping!

Woe me and my luggage. But wait… I traveled light, didn’t I? Yey me. I’ve got a spare 6 kilos out of my 20 kilo baggage allowance.

So, happy me then.

That day which was meant to be a relaxing day, I clocked 21,202 steps in my pedometer.

Let’s have a final look at how a Japanese shopping street looks like!