Snaps #1 | Shibuya crossing and paying homage to the legendary Hachiko

A visit to Tokyo will not be complete without visiting Shibuya.

Shibuya Crossing.

Many a movie featured Shibuya Crossing scenes, the most popular being Lost In Translation. So of course, I cannot miss a visit to this tourist destination. Best to visit at night to experience the sensory overload of garishly bright billboard lights and the hustle of bustle of Tokyo-ites!


Shibuya Crossing at night, from a distance.

Hachiko, the legendary dog.

I have not met “Hachiko” until this Japan trip slowly took shape. A friend from Instagram @zeetzjones convinced me that a visit to see Hachiko is a must. Thank you @zeetzjones for this worthwhile push.

Hachikō (ハチ公?, November 10, 1923 – March 8, 1935), known in Japanese as chūken Hachikō (忠犬ハチ公 “faithful dog Hachikō” [‘hachi’ meaning ‘eight’, a number referring to the dog’s birth order in the litter, and ‘kō’, meaning prince or duke]), was an Akita dog remembered for his remarkable loyalty to his owner, even many years after his owner’s death. – Wikipedia

An American movie starring Richard Gere titled Hachi: A Dog’s Tale is a 2009 drama film based on the true story of a faithful Hachiko.

Hachiko heaven coming up…






The Cha has turned Japanese with the typical “peace” sign



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